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Programul Operaţional Sectorial "Creşterea Competitivităţii Economice"
Centrul Internațional de Cercetare și Educație în Tehnologii Inovativ Creative – CINETic
Proiect cofinaţat prin Fondul European de Dezvoltare Regională

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„Tzina: Symphony of Longing”. Using Volumetric VR to archive the nostalgic imaginaries of the marginal. Ioana MISCHIE, in Using Volumetric VR to archive the nostalgic imaginaries of the marginal. Henry Jenkins, Sangita Shresthova, Gabriel Peters-Lazaro (eds.). New York University Press, 2020.

“New Civic Paths and a Public Sphere of the Imagination: The Civic Imagination Project”. Paulina LANZ, Tyler QUICK, Mehitabel GLENHABER, Joan MILLER, Ioana MISCHIE, Becky PHAM, Steven PROUDFOOT, Paromita SENGUPTA, in Revue Française des Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication (submitted).


Răsturnând paradigma pedepsei. Alexandru I. BERCEANU. Ed. UNIVERSITARA, Bucharest, 2019, ISBN: 606-28-0950-8.

Transversal competences in bachelor programs for creative industries. Iuliana GHERGHESCU, Alexandru I. BERCEANU, Elena BELCIU, Grigore BURLOIU, Vlad ILICEVICI, Diana VASILE, Marius Cătălin HODEA, Ciprian FĂCĂERU, Ioana MISCHIE, Andrei UNGUREANU. CINETic REVIEW 1(1) December 2019. doi: 10.37130/CINETrev.2019.12

Augmenting a string quartet with live electronics. Grigore BURLOIU. CINETic REVIEW 1(1) December 2019. doi: 10.37130/CINETrev.2019.05

Government of Children. An ongoing transmedia franchise. Ioana MISCHIE. CINETic REVIEW 1(1) December 2019. doi: 10.37130/CINETrev.2019.04

Gesture recognition system using leap motion: a machine learning approach. Andrei UNGUREANU. CINETic REVIEW 1(1) December 2019. doi: 10.37130/CINETrev.2019.08

Choreographic performance using wearable sensors for sonic interaction. Ștefan DAMIAN. CINETic REVIEW 1(1) December 2019. doi: 10.37130/CINETrev.2019.06

Sonic images. Pixel sonification in the photographic image. Maria NĂSTASE. CINETic REVIEW 1(1) December 2019. doi: 10.37130/CINETrev.2019.07

Extending emotional framework through interactive experiences. Dorin CUCICOV. CINETic REVIEW 1(1) December 2019. doi: 10.37130/CINETrev.2019.02

The Wetland: Transmedia Multi-Layered Archival in Cinematic Virtual Reality. Ioana MISCHIE. Cinematographic Art and Documentation no. 24/2019.


Layered motion and gesture sonification in an interactive installation. Grigore BURLOIU, Valentin MIHAI, Stefan DAMIAN. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, JAES Volume 66 Issue 10 pp. 770-778; October 2018. DOI:

Imitation Behavior in Stress Management and Prosocial Attitudes – Neural and Endocrine Mechanisms. Constantin PISTOL, Alexandru BERCEANU, Claudiu PAPASTERI, Alexandra SOFONEA,   Romina BOLDAȘU, Cătălina PICU, Adrian TITIENI, Horea MURGU, Ioana PODINA, Dragoș CÎRNECI, Cătălin NEDELCEA, Andrei BARBORICĂ, Ioana MÂNDRUȚĂ, Robert C. FROEMKE & Ioana CARCEA. San Diego, Poster S4SN 2018.

Extrastriate cortex connectivity may define interoceptive/exteroceptive mental states – a functional magnetic resonance resting state study. Mihaela ONU, PhD, Dragos CIRNECI, PhD, Claudiu PAPASTERI, PhD, Dana GEORGESCU, MD, Alexandru BERCEANU, Ioana CARCEA. Submitted to Neuroradiolgy Springer 2018.

Adapting the SoundThimble Movement Sonification System for Young Motion-impaired Users. Grigore BURLOIU. In International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP), 2018. ACADEMIA

Interactive spaces. A change in scenographic aesthetics. Iuliana GHERGHESCU. In International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing Conference (ICCP), 2018.

Advocating for Multi-Layered Archival in an Time of (Tech) Emergence and  (Cultural) Emergency (Case Study: The Wetland – An Expanded Cinematic Virtual Reality Installation). Ioana MISCHIE. In First Forum Cinema and Media Studies Graduate Conference – USC School of Cinematic Arts, Los Angeles, California 2018.

Signature Sound – A Form of Expanded Storytelling in Virtual Reality and Interactive Documentaries. Ioana MISCHIE – CILECT North America Sound and Storytelling Conference: “Exploring Expressive Uses of Sound in Media”  Chapman University, Orange, USA, Martie 2018

Hacking the Hackathon: On Prototyping Future Societies Fueled by Human Values. Ioana MISCHIE. In Digimag Journal, Nr. 77, Winter 2017-2018

Methods of Approaching the Actor’s Craft pedagogy – Intercultural dimensions. Romina SEHLANEC. UNATC Journal of Drama Teaching 2/06.2018.

Gramatica prin Jocuri Teatrale. Romina SEHLANEC (co-autor).  UNATC Press, Bucuresti, 2018.


Structured interaction in the SoundThimble real-time gesture sonification framework. Grigore BURLOIU, Ștefan DAMIAN, B. GOLUMBEANU & Valentin MIHAI. In Proceedings of the 12th International Audio Mostly Conference on Augmented and Participatory Sound and Music Experiences (p. 20). ACM, August 2017. DOI: 10.1145/3123514.3123543

PoV Hybrid  Storytelling in Virtual Reality and Its Axiological Implications (Case Study: The AI Comrade). Ioana MISCHIE. Cinematographic Art and Documentation (UNATC), 2017.

UNATC Junior – A Case Study of Applied Theatre in the Preacademic Educational System. Romina SEHLANEC. UNATC Journal of Drama Teaching 1/2017.

The Body – An instrument in the Process Of Teaching –Learning. Romina SEHLANEC. UNATC Journal of Drama Teaching 1/2017.

Manual Jocuri Teatrale pentru clasele V- VIII. Romina SEHLANEC (co-autor).  UNATC Press, Bucuresti, 2017.

Teaching Drama through Shakespeare. Romina SEHLANEC (co-autor).  UNATC Press, Bucuresti, 2017.


Arta Teatrului în Educație- Funcționalitatea metodelor teatrale în educația generală. Romina SEHLANEC. Revista Concept vol 12/nr.1/2016.


Muzică interactivă de scenă pe baza EEG / EEG-based Interactive Stage Music. Cătălin CREȚU, Alexandru BERCEANU, Grigore BURLOIU. Editura Media Muzica, 2015.

Extinderea performativității printr-o interfață BCI. Alexandru BERCEANU, Grigore BURLOIU, Dragoș CÎRNECI, Cătălin CRETU. Studia Dramatica (2/2015), Cluj Napoca.

Rolul memoriei afective în procesul scenic. Romina SEHLANEC. Revista Concept vol11/nr.2/2015.

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