Investiţii pentru viitorul dumneavoastră
Programul Operaţional Sectorial "Creşterea Competitivităţii Economice"
Centrul Internațional de Cercetare și Educație în Tehnologii Inovativ Creative – CINETic
Proiect cofinaţat prin Fondul European de Dezvoltare Regională

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Bucharest Global Game Jam 2020

Bucharest Global Game Jam 2020

31 January – 2 February 2020 | 16:00 | ARCUB Gabroveni | free access

The Bucharest Global Game Jam is at its fifth edition this year, and we’re going to make it a good one!

Game Heroes, alongside CINETic and Romanian Game Developers Association – RGDA, with the support of ARCUB and Primăria Municipiului Bucureşti, will make this year’s Global Game Jam one for the books.

The Global Game Jam is a 48-hour game-making event, for people who have never made a game before, for the ones who have dabbled, and for industry veterans alike.

It is not a competition. If you join us, you’re going to do it because we share a love for making games, you’re curious to see if you can do it or, you just want to have some fun, meet new people who share your interests.

Bucharest Global Game Jam is a “bring your own device” event. That device may be a desktop, laptop, VR set, plain paper, blank cards, dice or anything in between. Last year over 9000 games were made globally and 26 in Bucharest. How many will we have this year?

We will chip in with Wi-Fi, food, drinks and who knows what else?

BUCHAREST GLOBAL GAME JAM IS A FREE EVENT. It’s also fun, a learning experience and a challenge.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Contact: Francisc-Traian Apostu

Poster: original art by Laura Pop, Digital Animation Lab CINETic


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