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Programul Operaţional Sectorial "Creşterea Competitivităţii Economice"
Centrul Internațional de Cercetare și Educație în Tehnologii Inovativ Creative – CINETic
Proiect cofinaţat prin Fondul European de Dezvoltare Regională

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Sounds of growth: fungal-robotic-architecture

Workshop: Sounds of growth: fungal-robotic-architecture

with Anca Horvath

10-13 August 2024 | CINETic UNATC Str. Tudor Arghezi 3b


In this trans-disciplinary workshop, we will work with living materials, digital fabrication, sensors, evolutionary algorithms, and sound towards a participatory installation to be exhibited in the courtyard of UNATC.

Workshop description:

Over a 4-day workshop participants will work on a collaborative installation using digital fabrication tools, living materials, evolutionary algorithms, humidity sensors. 

Participants  will work with 3D modeling and digital fabrication and mycelium.

We expect around 10 participants with interest in digital fabrication, evolutionary algorithms and interactive technologies. Participation is free of charge by registering here

Upon acceptance to the workshop you will receive the full schedule.

We will collaborate with participants in the workshop: ”Sounds of growth: fungal-robotic-soundtutored adjacently  by Grigore Burloiu in the same period.

Participants, working individually or in small groups will create up to seven 3D models. The 3D models will be generated using evolutionary algorithms and  will be digitally fabricated in wood using a CNC mill. These elements will be impregnated with mycelium, a living material that has been used in various design projects over the last decade and that appears to be a sustainable replacement for leather and some plastics such as polystyrene. Elements will be sonified by participants in the sound workshop. 

In our work we will investigate the relationships between technology and nature as a model and as a material for art and design as well as how computation re-shapes various creative fields, becoming a common language in artistic/cultural production. 

The workshop is tutored  by Anca Horhath, an architect and researcher with the support of  architect Andrei Mitișor, teaching digital fabrication at ITPMA MA. 

The  aim of the workshop is to showcase the possibilities brought forward by composite fields such as art&technology and art&science.  

The workshop is part of celebrating 7 years of the ITPMA MA Program at UNATC and is an occasion to find out more about the program and the admission process for 2024 (Interactive Technologies for Performing and Media Arts MA). Participation of potential candidates to the ITPMA MA in the workshop will be prioritized. You can find out more about the admission process here. Registration for admission is between 8 of July to 6 of September. 

Participants will acquire skills in

  • architecture group: 3D modeling, visual programming, digital fabrication

We will work hands-on, with the following tools: 

  • architecture group: Rhino3D, Grasshopper, CNC mill, and mycelium. 

Pre-requisites: apart from intellectual curiosity and the openness to experiment NO PRIOR SKILLS ARE REQUIRED [no prior programming skills, modeling, digital fabrication, or electronics skills are required for taking part in this workshop].

Participants are kindly asked to bring their own laptops with the software Rhino3D* already installed.

*Rhino3D is a 3D modeling software widely used in industrial and automotive design, as well as architecture. A 90-day free trial can be downloaded here: 

#Digital fabrication, #living materials, #sensors, #sound design, #evolutionary algorithm, #AI, #sustainability, #trans-disciplinary, #art&science, #music&architecture, #art&technology


Anca Horvath is a researcher investigating the relationships between emerging technologies, including computational design, digital fabrication, AI and bio-technologies, and creative practices, as well as their place in broader cultural contexts. Anca uses design-based research as a main methodology for inquiry and her projects have covered a broad range of scopes and scales – from shoes, to urban design. Anca received her PhD in architecture in 2015 from the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca with a thesis titled: Architecture, Computation and Nature: Living and non-living natural models in computational architecture.

Anca has worked as an urban planner, architect, and computational designer in Romania and Denmark, and for the past 6 years has been affiliated with the Research Laboratory for Art and Technology (ReLate) at Aalborg University teaching courses on digital representation, digital fabrication, concept design and interaction design for various programs including BA Art&Technology and MA Media Arts Cultures. In 2020 she was appointed Teacher of the Year by the students of the program BA Art&Technology.

Grigore Burloiu is a Lecturer at the ITPMA M.A. at UNATC Bucharest, where he teaches Creative Coding, Interactive Music Systems. Grigore develops systems for expressive accompaniment and interactivity in art. He has collaborated in works presented internationally at Ars Electronica (AT), Vivid Festival (AU), Fete des Lumieres (FR), Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space (CZ).

Andrei Mitisor is an architect specialized in 3D design and prototyping. Among his notable works are the set designs for Dino Park Râșnov and major festivals such as Untold, Saga, and Electric Castle. In the New Media field, Andrei Mitisor has created the motion design choreography for the Kuka robot in the show “Who am I?” and installations like “Grid,” exhibited at RADAR, and more recently “Multivers” at RDW 2022 or the iSPACE on of the first Romanian immersive spaces. 

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